Saturday, April 07, 2007

Y'day, hubz drove both Batrisyia n myself w MIL to Tekka to fetch Aunt Sophia from Batam. Hubz got himself a new mobile phone and FIL a new PDA @ AMK Central. Then we went to Warong Penyet at Parkway Central. Spent about $44.50; the whole spread was worth the $$ coz powerrr giler, beb! We had a chat with the owner who spoke decent Indon-slang and was very down to earth dude. After makan, we fetch my FIL @ Tuas, to Tekka to drop off Aunt Sophia n back to Yishun. We stayed till about 1am before we made our move.

Syukur Alhamdullillah, both my in-laws are going to perform Umrah this June...Insyallah.
I'm going to cook for the guests n Aunt Sophia's gonna sleep over my place in June to help out with the preparations.

Towards the end of April, both my in-laws, hubz, Batrisyia,myself & Uncle Bob going to spend our weekend in Batam. Aunt Sophia's promised to make air pukat topped with hot fudge specially for me! Yay!! Pictures will be posted soon.

Good news to share w you folks: My Bro, Kyle has got a place in La Salle and will start school this August. I'm ecstatic for him. He's multi-talented just like my elder bro, Kabes who's now a designer w HBO. He has won many awards including Crowbar International Award and has appeared in BH,ST as well as Lianhe Zaobao for his achievements. Kabes is super-lucky. He need not find work; instead vice-versa. Insyallah, his ambitions to continue his studies for a Degree will come true one day. He's coped up with additional freelance work now and he's got all the support from our family. Alhamdullillah, I love my brothers so much and that they know I'm always there for them even in the wee hours of morning to listen to their problems.

P.S: To Kabes - Thanx Bro for the new thumb-drive. I really appreciate it.
To Kyle - Thanx Bro for helping me with the website for my school. I owe you one :P

To my lovely beby girl, u can't wait to be off the diapers soon yeah? Can see that you are pretty excited to go to the toilet to wee wee by yourself now. But no hurry, my dear...Mama do not want you to grow so fast....I will miss my beby....Papa too, k?

To my handsome husband, u've been wonderful to me all these years n u were always there for me when I need you most. I love you.

dance to the music @ 4:53 PM || ||